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Diet food delivered seldovia alaska - fare substance dispatch seldovia alaska

31-01-2017 à 17:13:55
Diet food delivered seldovia alaska
Alaska Natives have the lowest state high school graduation rate at 55 percent and highest rate of births to teens (77 per 1,000). The outreach component of this integrated activity is to prepare students to provide nutrition and obesity prevention information to their clients and patients as well as to prepare them to conduct prevention outreach activities, e. Access to culturally congruent nutrition services in rural Alaska is lacking. RNS students continue university nutrition education and there is increased nutrition science knowledge in rural Alaskan regions impacted by RNS. Many communities served have 33 - 46 percent of households living below the poverty level. Growth in collaboration with Alaska School Nutrition Association resulted in acceptance of RNS curriculum by National School Nutrition Association Level 3 certification. Community members reached by extension activities reported similar learning on healthy weight. In the Pacific, data from the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) project includes unexplained birds mortality events, bird wrecks, that indicate the healthy-looking birds died from a marine toxin event. UA Anchorage and RNS joining in an articulation agreement to accept 6 credits of RNS coursework as direct transfer for established coursework in the Dietetics BS. The research effort and paper describe the risks associated with consuming PSP-tainted crab and the lack of oversight by Alaska regulatory agencies which put people at risk of poisoning. Since 1973 over 150 PSP outbreaks have been reported. blooms. Summative Outcomes: These summative outcomes relate to program products a. Unexpected outcomes included the level of student food and activity behavior change as a direct result of RNS learning and resulting in major health improvements. RNS graduate, Chef Deacon has 3 years as a teaching team member. RD adjunct instructors Shaginoff and Bergeron provided RNS course instruction and student support in nutrition science, Alaska Native food systems, and outreach. Elevated PSP has also been found in Alaska marine mammals. Remaining 6 RNS OE credits will fulfill lower division elective requirement. 2011 - 2012 Maori Fulbright Scholar Kerr provided student instruction in Indigenous Evaluation. RNS students have been successful joining and advancing in the local workforce as school cooks, teacher aides, health aides, personal care attendants and Head Start staff. Ten Hunee Daaloye Upward Bound students received classroom instruction and as a result produced a poster and radio PSAs with healthy weight messages for teens. Community members most reported changes in behavior: exercise more, eat more vegetables, limit sugar, salt and saturated fats, eat breakfast and quit pop. Nutrition trainings were provided to groups, e. Alaska is the only state in the USA without a postsecondary degree or certificate in nutrition. Most have extremely challenging access to health care due to remote locations, off the road system, and few within 200 miles of a Registered Dietitian. Obesity-related health problems of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes have been dramatically rising for rural Alaskans and Alaska Natives. Marine predator population numbers may fluctuate in response to consumption of PSP-tainted sand lance. In 1997-98, reported PSP illnesses occurred at Southeast Alaska, Kodiak Island, the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutian Islands. Actual number of RNS OE cohort students enrolled is 49. RNS 101 community-based students reported learning to make sense of food labels, negative impact of added sugars, importance of whole grains, appropriate portions, and remote community fruit and vegetable options. Co-PI McConnells invited, peer-reviewed article is accepted for publication in International Journal of Circumpolar Health. Objective 1: 10 rural Alaskan communities received community-based 1-credit Rural Nutrition and Lifestyle Change course with community extension component. The linkage between the education and extension functions of the proposed project is evident: expansion of education in these fields will result in outreach and extension into the broader community since students will have a deeper and broader grasp of information and resources in the area of nutrition and obesity. Former program participants continue to share information and skills acquired through the Troth Yeddha Nutrition Project. Non Technical Summary Healthy nutrition values and protective actions of traditional Alaska Native foods are well documented. The transfer of the PSP toxin to marine predators may be common along the North Pacific coast and may be impacting marine predator populations. The village of Sand Point hosted the Rural Nutrition and Health Change community-based intensive nutrition course combining formal classroom instruction and experiential learning opportunities, such as food portioning, label reading and field trip to local grocery. Students want to to teach and practice healthy nutrition, stating: I help kids get a taste for healthy foods early in life by getting more fruits and vegetables for them to try. e. The project work was presented to regional, statewide, national and international meetings noted in Outputs. g. The website objective has been enhanced by collaboration with State of AK and AK Native Tribal Health Consortium web resources posting RNS student products while building partnership. Students completed assignments to disseminate culturally relevant nutrition and weight management knowledge to rural communities through interpersonal relationships, radio, posters, and outreach events. TARGET AUDIENCES: The project, with formal classroom instruction, practicum experiences, student outreach activities and experiential learning opportunities, has achieved our projected goal of directly serving at least 30 rural Alaskan communities with a student enrolled in Rural Nutrition Services (RNS) coursework. Objective 1: 8 rural Alaskan communities received community-based delivery of 1-credit Rural Nutrition and Lifestyle Change course with community extension component. Objective 5: In 3 years of course delivery, 30 students completed community extension projects. Former program participants continue to share information and skills acquired through the Troth Yeddha Nutrition Project. Nutrition and behavioral health professionals, stakeholders and Alaska Native wisdom will guide the development and delivery of culturally relevant nutrition education, with students sharing newly acquired knowledge through community outreach. RD adjunct instructors Shaginoff and Simeon provided RNS course instruction and student support in nutrition science, Alaska Native food systems, and outreach. Additional Alaska Native youth were reached with an RNS presentation at the First Alaskans Youth and Elders gathering. RNS hosted networking gatherings including Rural Nutrition Tea and Practicum Fair. 6 percent of community adults not in the workforce. Deliver course twice during FY 08 and three-times annually during FY 2009 and. A report to the member Tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference. Applying the Rural Human Services teaching model, cultural relevance and learning styles to nutrition coursework continues to prove successful and innovative, as teams composed of licensed professionals, Alaska Native Elders, and experienced Alaska Native service providers teach courses. A report to the member Tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference. Information about RNS academics is at: Over 45 RNS students have distributed culturally relevant brochures and posters promoting healthy weight and nutrition in their home communities. H3: PSP levels peak in sand lance in conjunction with the peak of PSP in the environment, in bivalves and Alexandrium sp. Due to the academic year and significant expansion of project course delivery design reported before, reaching completion of community extension projects and dissemination of materials to rural communities required a second no cost extension to January 14, 2013. For purposes of this discussion, IAC will equate results with outcomes as described above. Advisory Council members representing stakeholders, rural school districts, Elders, Tribal administration, diabetes programs, Head Start, and RDs participated in audio-conference meetings in support of the program. RNS 101 community-based students reported learning: to make sense of food labels, negative impact of added sugars, importance of whole grains, appropriate portions, and remote Alaska community fruit and vegetable options. These products will enhance the knowledge, skills and efficacy of rural human service providers operating in rural Alaska in areas related to health, nutrition and obesity prevention. Two Advisory Council meetings are held in year 1. Students completed multiple assignments to disseminate culturally relevant nutrition and weight management knowledge to rural communities through interpersonal relationships, radio, posters, and outreach events. The villages of Nikolai and McGrath joined 8 other rural communities that hosted Rural Nutrition and Health Change community-based intensive nutrition course combining formal classroom instruction and experiential learning opportunities, e. Deliver first CE course by October 2007 to at least 8 students. Alaska Native contact with outsiders brought rapid cultural change, disruption of traditions, including diet and lifestyle, and historic traumas. S. We continue agreement with one of the few Alaska Native RDs to teach RNS, and other indigenous RDs guest lecture. Due to the academic year and significant expansion of project course delivery design reported previously, reaching completion of community extension projects and dissemination of materials to rural communities required a second no cost extension to January 14, 2013. , presentations, PSAs, etc. Personnel modification to the project, guided by AFRI National Program Management, resulted in the RD Faculty responsibilities being successfully fulfilled by RD and Nutrition adjuncts and consultants. Tanana Chiefs Conference Elder Nutrition cooks, all rural Alaska Natives, classroom nutrition instruction. Community poverty rates are as high as 81 percent, with up to 85 percent of school children receiving some form of public assistance. Deliver courses with enhancements by September 2007. How results or products will be used: The products of this project will be permanent additions to the educational content and offerings of the Rural Human Services program. Knowledge Area (KA) Subject of Investigation (SOI) Field of Science (FOS) Percent. Project work was presented by students and Co-PI to International Congress on Circumpolar Health (ICCH), Alaska School Nutrition Association, national Indian Health Services Advances in Indian Health Conference, First Alaskans Elder and Youth gathering, Alaska Area Diabetes Conference, Fairbanks Native Association Wellness Fair and Tanana Chiefs Conference Convention. Alaska Native Elders Joseph, Williams, Attla, Luke, Petrivelli and others have participated in teaching teams and guest speaking.

RNS graduates return to RNS classes as guest speakers and mentors for current students. Ten Hunee Daaloye Upward Bound students received classroom instruction and other Alaska Native youth were reached with RNS presentations at a tribal out-of-home care conference and a residential adolescent substance abuse treatment facility. RNS students provided culturally relevant extension through personal contacts, workshops and experiential learning opportunities for rural community members including young children, teens, parents, Elders and adults, health and behavioral health care workers, school staff and Head Start Educators. Alaska Native High School completion is 49 percent and the state 61 percent. I make it fun for them to taste and learn about. First monthly Advisory Council meeting convened by April 2007. A report to the member Tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference. Credit portability solidifies RNS as a critical part of an articulated nutrition education pathway for rural entry-level students. Students learned indigenous evaluation methods and used in community practicum projects. Communities are primarily Alaska Native: Unangan (Aleut), Gwichin, Ahtna, Athabascan, Inupiaq, Yupik or Tlingit and, in addition to those previously reported, include: Takotna, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, Juneau and Copper Center. McConnell, Sarah. TARGET AUDIENCES: The project, with formal classroom instruction, practicum experiences, student outreach activities and experiential learning opportunities, exceeded our project goal by directly serving 37 rural and 2 urban Alaskan communities enrolling a student in Rural Nutrition Services (RNS) coursework. Objective 2: Exceeded as modified, details in project modifications. A report to the member Tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference. Objective 5: In 4 years of course delivery, 41 students completed community practicum projects, 7 are in progress. Most have challenging access to health care due to remote locations, many off the road system, and few within 200 miles of a Registered Dietitian. The Alaska Division of Epidemiology estimates there has been a 7-fold increase in PSP events since 1973. Personnel modification to the project, guided by AFRI National Program Management, resulted in the RD Faculty responsibilities being successfully fulfilled by RD and Nutrition adjuncts and consultants. Community unemployment rates are as high as 28 percent, as much as 56. Alaska Native Elders Joseph, Williams, Attla, Luke, Petrivelli and others participated in teaching teams and guest speaking. Credit portability solidifies RNS as a critical part of an articulated nutrition education pathway for rural entry-level students. (2013) Traditional Alaska Native Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle. So far, Wright has found that in 1978 in Massachusetts over 70 Common Terns ( Sterna hirundo ) and other terns and gulls were killed by PSP. There is a website with information about the RNS academic program: Over 30 RNS students have distributed culturally relevant brochures and posters promoting healthy weight and nutrition in their home communities. Project work was presented to Alaska School Nutrition Association, national Indian Health Services Advances in Indian Health Conference, First Alaskans Elder and Youth gathering, Alaska Area Diabetes Conference, Fairbanks Native Association Wellness Fair and Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) annual Convention. RNS graduates presented their project experience at International Congress on Circumpolar Health, IHS Advances Conference, Alaska School Nutrition Association Conference and community health fairs. RNS graduate and professional Chef Deacon is in her second year as a member of the teaching team. One Advisory Council meeting is held in each of years 2 and 3. g. The project work was presented to regional, statewide and national meetings reported in the Outputs section. Nutrition trainings were provided to groups such as TCC Elder Nutrition Cooks, TCC Head Start educators and Upward Bound. Documented Alaska PSP fatalities date back to 1799 when the crew of Alexander Baranof of the Russian American Trading Company ate contaminated blue mussels at the now notorious Poison Cove in Southeast Alaska. Publications Christensen Long, L. food portioning, label reading and field trip to local grocery. The outcome is very positive as the program gains teachers and consultants that live and work in rural Alaska, who lived the subsistence lifestyle of our students. The website objective has been enhanced by collaboration with State of AK and AK Native Tribal Health Consortium web resources posting RNS student products while building partnership. H2: PSP-tainted sand lance occur in the Aleutian Islands marine waters. b. In 1997, nine cases of illness occurred resulting in one death, and in 2010 PSP cases occurred from Southeast Alaska to the Aleutian Islands with two deaths, notably one was from eating PSP-tainted Dungeness crab. Students began learning indigenous evaluation methods with instruction from Maori Fulbright Scholar Kerr. RNS graduates return to RNS classes as guest speakers and mentors of current students. g. for audiences of all ages in order to improve knowledge and understanding of health in the rural and Alaska Native context. (2013) Review of Culturally Tailored Postsecondary Nutrition and Health Education Curricula for Indigenous Populations, Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Circumpolar Health, in press, anticipated publication summer 2013. degrees in Nutrition and Dietetics. Objective 4: 30 students have completed requirements for the RNS OE, including community extension components, 14 students are currently working to complete requirements by May 2013. Elder Nutrition Cooks and Head Start educators, Upward Bound and residential adolescent substance abuse treatment program. These hypotheses are discussed in the popular press article at. Remaining 6 RNS OE credits will fulfill lower division elective requirement. RNS students provided culturally tailored extension through personal contacts, workshops and experiential learning opportunities for rural community members of all ages and included health and behavioral health care workers, school cooks and Head Start staff. f. In this case, outcomes will be divided into formative outcomes and summative outcomes and are describe in the table below. This directed sampling will incorporate information from local residents, but the PI has already identified several locations in the Aleutian Islands where sand lance can be collected and areas that usually have elevated PSP levels. Growth in collaboration with Alaska School Nutrition Association has resulted in acceptance of RNS curriculum by National School Nutrition Association Level 3 certification. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Interior-Aleutians Campus policy dictates that the Campus Director be 0 FTE administrative PI. A report to the member Tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference. Maori Fulbright Scholar Kerr provided student instruction in Indigenous Evaluation. Sand lance are implicated in obtaining high levels of PSP likely from feeding on the zooplanktons that feed on the organisms that produce the PSP toxins, a marine dinoflagellate, Alexandrium sp. During the 2014 research effort, sand lance will be collected using cast nets, beach seine and digging from the sand from locations currently monitored for PSP in bivalves to determine levels of PSP in the sand lance. The outcome is very positive as the program gains teachers and consultants, living the subsistence lifestyle of our students and working in rural Alaska. The level of impact in participant behavior change was unexpected and not sufficiently measured by the project evaluation design. Some of the hypotheses to consider when analyzing the data are. Non-degreed RNS students have enrolled in Certificate, Associate or Bachelor degree courses at rates of 83 percent (cohort 1), 57 percent (cohort 2), and 70 percent (cohort 3). Successful dissemination of project information was achieved through Digital Storytelling and Facebook (Store Outside Your Door, Traditional Foods Contemporary Chef) thanks to the generosity of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. 2 communities are scheduled for March 2012. RNS hosted networking gatherings including Rural Nutrition Tea and Practicum Fair. RNS solidified its role as an entry-level feeder program for UAF Associate of Science degree and UA Anchorage B. RNS students disseminated information at the annual RNS Practicum Fair where they describe and display their community Practicum project summaries for university, community health leaders, and students family, friends and co-workers. A new development is UA Anchorage and RNS joining in an articulation agreement to accept 6 credits of RNS coursework as direct articulation for established coursework in the BS in Dietetics. Objective 4: 28 students have completed requirements for the RNS OE, including community extension components, 12 students are projected to complete requirements by May 2012. Dissemination of project information was achieved through Digital Storytelling and Facebook (Store Outside Your Door, Traditional Foods Contemporary Chef) thanks to collaboration with ANTHC. Informal partner organizations Special Diabetes Program for Indians, Farm to School Program, State of Alaska Office of Obesity Prevention and Control provided generous quantities of teaching materials. Methods planned to address these challenges focus on educating a rural and Alaska Native community-based workforce to respond to this health crisis. Project Methods The education component of the proposal involves expanding opportunities to educate rural health- and behavioral-health workers--both those beginning their education in the field and others already working in the field-- about nutrition and obesity prevention. Non-degreed RNS students have enrolled in Certificate, Associate or Bachelor degree courses at rates of 83 percent (cohort 1), 57 percent (cohort 2), and 70 percent (cohort 3). Informal partner organizations included Special Diabetes Program for Indians, and State of Alaska Office of Obesity Prevention and Control provided generous quantities of teaching materials. RNS students have been successful joining and advancing in the local workforce and currently have a 91 percent course completion rate. Community members reached by extension activities reported similar learning on healthy weight. A report to the member Tribes of the Tanana Chiefs Conference.

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